…would do a powerful work in, and through, our mission teams around the world. Here are a couple stories of how the Lord answered your prayers…
The Czech Republic is a country that is known to be one of the most atheistic countries in the world. Czechs are actually proud of this fact. Several weeks ago, Cru took a team of high school students into the capital city, Prague. The team was in classrooms all week speaking conversational English with the Czech students, trying to make connections to spiritual topics, and inviting students to their nightly outreaches. As you might imagine, it can be rather “hard soil,” but the students continued to initiate, invite and love on the Czech students they were around.
On Friday night they had an Easter outreach at which the gospel was shared and the group broke up into small groups to talk more in depth about Jesus. This was supposed to be the last night of ministry for the American students, so they could spend their last day resting and souvenir shopping. But after praying over the city in the morning, the American students wanted more time to share with their new Czech friends. The girls went to a coffee shop and the boys headed out to a park. As they were getting ready to say their goodbyes, one student on the team, Victor, and a Czech student named Frank, accidentally got off on the wrong tram stop and were separated from the rest of the group.
Victor used the time they were alone to ask Frank where he stood with God. Frank said that he had heard about God and had even been in a Bible study before, but he was waiting for a sign. To which Victor replied rather emphatically, “I’M the sign!” Victor went on to explain that he had come all the way from the U.S. to tell him about Jesus, so what more did he need?! Frank went to church the next day and met with the pastor. He and Victor have been in communication as Frank is asking many questions.
Victor’s response may have been a little surprising, but how significant that he realized that we are all signs pointing to Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life! We pray that Frank will come to know Jesus as he continues asking questions and seeking to know the Truth.
Bench “Marked” For Eternity
Holly is from a Muslim country in Central Asia and has been serving on the Global Missions team this year. Here is what she had to say about a special work God did in and through her life while in Slovenia serving as the Operations Team Leader:
“Two girls were sitting on a bench in Ljubljana. I started talking to them. I was listening and sharing my life with them. One of the girls left, and I continued talking with the other. Her name was Tinkara. We spent some time getting to know each other, and I was present and thankful for this opportunity. On Wednesday, we had a short film festival which Tinkara attended. On Thursday, many people were leaving to play basketball, but Tinkara desired to stay back in order to talk with me. She waited until everyone left, and she shared more about the hardships in her life. She was mad at God, and desiring to be distant from religion. Through meeting our team, and watching and discussing the short films, she told me that she was becoming more curious, and wondering about God. It was a great opportunity to share the Gospel with her, and share about how God invites us into a relationship with Him. She said, “Yes, I want to invite Him into my life!”, and we prayed together on the bench.
It was so encouraging for me, that God would desire to take me beyond the operational details of the mission, and remind me of His greater purpose! Some time later, I remembered my own story, and how God brought someone to share the Good News with me on a bench at my university! That is how my walk with God started, and I found Christian community.”