Off to Africa!

Off to Africa!

Africa Training Forum Pictured with Tim is Tariku Fufa, the director for Cru Student Ministry in all of Southern and Eastern Africa. For years, he has dreamed of training co-laborers from all over this great continent as they seek to start and accelerate spiritual...
Miracle in the ER

Miracle in the ER

14 Teams, 13 Countries, 4 Continents… This sounds like an ad for the “Amazing Race” TV show, but it represents the 195 people we sent to tell the teenagers of the world about Jesus in 2014. As a result, 13,959 students heard a clear presentation of the gospel...
Funnels of Grace

Funnels of Grace

A few weeks ago, we heard a message from our pastor about how God desires us to be “funnels of His grace.”  In one sentence, he said that as we receive grace in its various forms, God wants us to share it with others. Welling Up With Thankfulness For You...